General Counsel, Redefined. C-suite level lawyering without the overhead.

High-caliber legal services on a fractional basis.

Here's what you get.

Unlimited access to a trusted advisor and business partner who understands your company and helps you make critical decisions.
Day-to-day legal counseling

All in-house legal functions.

Negotiate and draft contracts

Anywhere from term sheet to closing.

Handle high-level matters

Tap a former senior executive to assist.

Rapid, focused turnaround

Big Law speed and quality.

Dedicated "office hours"

Time reserved for you. Exclusively.

Deal management and execution

In-house leadership. 1+ deals.

Get what you need, at a predictable cost.
Fee discounts, deferrals, equity splits, and other alternative arrangements available upon request.

Join the thousands of companies around the world with top-tier legal counsel in their boardrooms, without breaking the bank.

Get Started now